국전특선작가 청하화백 작품 극락정토도 수월관음도 한복미인도 靑趙音畵映像坊


Miss Trot Queen 송가인 Song Ga in 양지은 Yang Ji Eun Best Video

Platonic love 2023. 2. 11. 09:04

국보아트랜드 월드뉴스

KBA kookboartland national world news

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 톱싱거 Miss Trot Queen Song Ga in 퀸 송가인  The Best Video                        톱싱거 Miss Trot Queen Yang Ji Eun 퀸 양지은  The Best Video                                                              

Among the singers who are good at singing in Korea,      
There's a fairy who sings pretty well, and right away~~~~
미스트롯 1대(眞) 퀸 송가인과 미스트롯 2대(眞) 퀸 양지은이 있다
There is one Miss Trot
There is a Miss Trot Queen Song Gain ((미스트롯 1대(眞) 퀸 송가인이 있고))
and two Miss Trot Queen Yang Ji Eun. ((미스트롯 2대(眞) 퀸 양지은이 있다))
Among the singers who sing well in Japan is Japan's No. 1 Queen

Sakamoto Fuyumi She mainly sings songs of Japan's greatest national

enka singer, They call it a rendezvous, and it is one of them.
I have heard the song a few times and memorized the song roughly.
I want to take this opportunity to feel like a master (Legend)
I told the director that I would play the effect with harmonica.
You didn't even rehearse, and instead you improvised Fuyumi

Sakamoto's song, I put the effect accompaniment with the harmonica

immediately in line with the band.
If possible, I would like to shoot after practice several times.
It is a Japanese enka song video with regret
I feel a little sorry for Fuyumi Sakamoto's sister, who is celebrating

her 50th birthday
I feel sorry that I had to practice and play accompaniment once or twice
Just like a professional would risk his life to be perfect without being an

active singer, If you ask me if I need to rehearse and rehearse,
All you can do is make excuses for yourself.

In the Qur'an, the Qur'an is written in the Qur'an. 圖 國


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靑청 夏하

靑푸른 청 夏 여름 하


푸른여름 사나이 청하조훈 총수가 들려주는

열대나라의 특보 여름 이야기 기대하셔도 좋습니다


글 그림 작성자 : 靑청 夏하 趙조 勳훈 總首


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