국전특선작가 청하화백 작품 극락정토도 수월관음도 한복미인도 靑趙音畵映像坊

國際文化藝術/중국real china


Platonic love 2010. 5. 12. 02:44

이사람 누군지 아십니까? 글쎄 올시다.


바로 ...... 크크크크 맟춰 보세요 크크 ......

대 그룹의 총수요 대 회장인 나만의 특권이올시다.

Mariah Carey and her new boy friend

James Brolin(Barbara Streisand's husband) and John Ttavolta


This year, March 7 was the Oscar night.  It is definitively the most important night in the film industry in the world. Everyone in the business in the United States was pin Los Angeles to attend the event. The  ceremony was broadcast LIVE all over the world.


When my friends saw me during the live broadcast, I got instant text messages telling me that I was on the screen!  These messages were from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Paris, New York, Peru, Argentina, the Philippines...everywhere!  Imagine the power of Hollywood!  Everyone seems to have tuned in to the show!


The Kodak Theatres is where the award ceremony was held.  Tickets to  the Oscars are the most difficult to obtain because the theatre only has 3,400 seats.  The Academy of Motion Pictures alone has 6,000 or so members. Therefore even members do not have tickets let alone non members.  

Months before the Oscars, every talk show, every critic are all about  predictions.

This year, the hottest movie was "Avatar", being the highest  grossing movie of all time (until March 10) at 2.6 billion dollars worldwide.  Many people thought that for sure this time Meryl Streep would win.  But no  matter who wins, everyone knows that the voting was very honest and there was  no foul play.


The running of the Oscar night is like clock work.  Since it is  debatablythe most important event of the year for Los Angeles, the safety  procedure is very strict. The theatre door closes at 5:15pm, so guests must  arrive before then. Our limousine was checked  by the bomb squat and for a whole mile lined with the Los Angeles Police and I think even some of the army people.  When guests reached the Kodak Theater and got off their car, people in charge of this part immediately knew where they should go to....one ofthe 2 "lines".  one line was for those with tickets but not VIPs, line up on the right side,(picture) and the other was the real red carpet.


Very few people walk on the red carpet.  only very few, the nominees, the big stars, the big studio chiefs, and some other VIPs.  I was a guest of legendary producer Quincy Jones, my dear "brother" who calls me "his baby Chinese sister". He invited me because he knew I wanted to go.  Since Quincy is so famous, of course we walked on the real red carpet and Quincy was interviewed. (picture) on the left side of the red carpet was this long, long line of important press that line the entire red carpet.  They were the CNN, Fox news, ET, Reuters.  Photographers were also all over the place. But like the Grammies, the management of the press was most organized.  one more thing very impressive, all the members of the press were asked to dress really well. (pictures)  they were all in tuxedos for men and long evening gowns for women.  Very good looking!


The only Asian press Ii saw there was the CCTV Movie Channel.  I was very happy to see them.  Of course, I was interviewed by them!(picture).  I did not see any other Chinese except for Lisa Lu (picture) who played Empress Dowager Cixi in Bertolucci's "The Last Emperor".


One thing I have to mention about the red carpet part.  I noticed a whole lot of seated people in the far end of right side of the Red Carpet area.  I asked who they were.  They were people who paid for these seats just to watch the red carpet.  There were at least 300 people there.


The room was all full when we walked in.  Seated in front of us was the Mayor of LA.  Since the show was live televised, so when they announced the countdown, people were very aware that they had to immediately sit down. This year, the hosts were two men, the first pairing of its kind.  Usually it is just one person (last year Hugh Jackman was the host).  Quincy once produced the Oscar show, so I found out a lot about it.  He said that they only have 10 weeks to produce such a huge show.  only one day before do those who participate get a chance to see the script.  Imagine the complaints and rewrite last minute. So there is a lot of stress during the production.


The staff of this show which number hundreds were very professional.  At each door of the theatre, there was one guard standing outside and one inside. They communicated with each other all the time.  Everyone was holding a very detailed lineup of the entire show.  Everyone had a job to do and clearly understood it.  To show you how amazing the organization was,whenever someone went outside, immediately some man or woman who dressed really nicely would come by to fill the empty seats.  I always wonder why all these occasions seats are filled, while in China, I always see empty seats. Well now I know.  There was a huge group of such women and men who stood in the corners of the theatre all night waiting to "fill the seats". They are appropriately called the "seat fillers".  once one of them sat next to me, she told me that she is a lawyer and works for the law firm that

works for the Oscars.  There were 120 seat fillers. Imagine just the management of this part of the production alone requires a lot of coordination!


What if you are tired and do not want to sit there all the time?  At one point, we walked out of the theatre and went to the special room where champagne, and other drinks were served.  In fact you could even order some sandwiches should you be hungry.  But this room was only for VIP's.  For those who were just attendees, there was another big room, but not as elegant.


The Oscar is for sure the most glamorous event I have attended.  It is even more than the inauguration of president in Washington DC that happens every 4 years.  The men wore only tuxedos, but the women really went all the way. The gowns were really elegant.  The audience were dressed up too.  It is one of the occasions when fashion stylists have a great time discussing who wears what and how they do!


Also every important star in Hollywood was there.


This year's Oscar had some firsts! Lee Daniels was the first black director to have received a nomination. Kathryn Bigelow of "Hurt Locker" became the first woman to win the Best Director award.  It was interesting for us to watch that she and her ex-husband James Cameron were both nominated in 2 categories -- Best Director and Best Picture.  She beat him in both categories.  "Hurt Locker" also won the Best Picture of the Year.













'國際文化藝術 > 중국real china' 카테고리의 다른 글

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